“For a few months, twice a week I have been running with my daughters at night in the city.” This is the spark that generates the story told by the video game designer and director of Novarama, Daniel Sánchez-Crespo, through his Twitter account. What he believed to be “a way to fight the boredom of confinement” turned into something more profound over time.
coronavirus pandemic
And it is that the coronavirus pandemic has had an effect on all generations, although it has imp
acted differently in the various population sectors. For example, a few days ago, we read that pandemic fatigue had mainly affected the youngest, according to a study published by the CSIC
On the opposite side of citizenship, the elderly have not only suffered the most physical consequences of the pandemic, but have also been subjected to a longer confinement than the rest of the population – although, now, the vaccine is giving a breath and “finally” give them the air and the sun again.
Specifically, the story of Sánchez-Crespo speaks of the whole of humanity. How the older ones act as a shield for the younger ones. These, over the years, occupy a new place in the population pyramid and are the ones who, after having been sheltered from pessimism, must protect the next generation in an endless cycle.
The end is inevitable, as the videogame designer points out, who, despite this, does not see it in a pessimistic way, but considers that the human being is “an optimistic species”: “Each generation isolates the next from the bad that It surrounds her, and prepares her for a better future. Look: I DO NOT tell my daughters about the disaster of the 100,000 deaths from COVID; I focus on telling them that there is little left to finish. ”
“There will be a day when I am gone, but my daughters are still here, living their lives”, reflects Sánchez-Crespo. “And that day, only the memory will remain of me, and the values,” he continues.
Although “a year ago, those who were our shield, began to die by the thousands”, the designer compares this sad reality with a chain that breaks: “But, deep down, it is not like that. The chain continues, only, now the shield is us. ”
“Let’s stop doing stupid things,” he claims. “Let’s go from being the country of ‘is that it was not known’ to the country of ‘we have learned the lesson’, even if it is late”, since, according to Sánchez-Crespo, this generation has two duties: “The first, to take care of ourselves and survive The next generation needs us. The second, to protect and isolate that generation from all this. ”
“That’s why I run. Because the virus will pass, and they will forget it. And they will get older. And, one day, I will disappear. But they will remember that, when they were babies, they would run with their father and he would tell them cool things. Then , all this will have made sense “, concludes the designer.