Six-packs are the envy of many men. With a lot of work and a lot of patience and dedication, six packages are possible. It takes dieting, weight loss, and some exercise to reach your six-pack goal.
1 Loose weight through diet and exercise. To get a six-pack in 90 days, you have to lose all those extra pounds first. It is impossible to see your abs if there is excess weight to cover them up. Cut calories and fat to help you lose weight. Also, incorporate exercises into your daily life to help shed those extra pounds.
2 Perform a series of exercises that you will do every day or several times a week and stick to them. Abs crunches are great for sculpting your abs and getting you on your way to a good six-pack. Lie down on the floor or top of a large gym ball. Next, place your hands on the sides of your head and tilt your head back. Oddly enough, keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth and keep your head towards the ceiling. Then squeeze your stomach to pull yourself up. Hold this position for five seconds, and then lower yourself back down. Start with ten repetitions a day for a week and then increase the weekly repetitions by five.
Reverse crunches are great for targeting your hard-to-sculpt abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, and your palms face down on the floor. With your knees bent, tighten your stomach muscles to lift your hips off the floor. Hold this position for ten seconds, then return your hips to the floor. As you get stronger, keep your crisis longer. Fifteen repetitions a day is an excellent start to your first week; however, you can start at a lower number if fifteen is too much. Then increase the repetitions by five each week.
Leg extensions are great for the abs and great for the legs. While on your back, place your hands behind your head. Then, you put both knees in the air and extend one leg out in front of you, keeping the other knee pulled out. With the leg still extended, bring your opposite shoulder toward the still bent knee. Your goal is to try to touch the elbow to the opposite knee. Keep your stomach muscles tight and hold for a few seconds before legs. Keep alternating legs for a great workout. Do twenty repetitions on each leg a day for the first week. If twenty is too much, then start with fifteen. As with the other two exercises, add five repetitions to your workout per week.
- Make a plan and stick to it. To get a six-pack in 90 days, you have to be dedicated to diet and exercise. Keep a journal of your dreams and goals, such as starting with losing a few extra pounds through diet and exercise for your first few weeks, then moving on to more aggressive practices to help tone your abdominal muscles. Document your process as much as possible. Set weekly goals like doing as many activities a day, eating only as many calories, and keeping track of whether or not you stick to your plan. Also, keep track of the weight you have lost and the muscle you have gained in your abs. This way, when you start to feel discouraged, you can step out of your magazine and see your success for an encouraging lift.
Do not be fooled; getting the body you want is not easy or fast. To have defined abs and make it permanent, you have to change your current habits entirely, which do not let you reach your goal. From this moment, we already warn you: changing your lifestyle is not easy, and making a radical change overnight will not work.
That is why it is best to go little by little, not lose sight of the objective and adapt our habits to those that will help us. Start small things changed and, without realizing it, you will be able to see results. But what do you have to change to get strong and defined abs? We leave you 25 tips so that, once and for all, you can show off your ‘six pack.’
Go for a salad or steamed vegetables so that you can eat without a problem.
Change the way you cook
In this new stage of your life, we will introduce you to the one who is going to become your best friend: the oven. You will be surprised how easy and good the recipes come out if you bake them; you just have to get the right ingredients. For example, fried chicken, no; Baked lemon-seasoned chicken, yes.
The importance of having a good mood
Try to see this as a positive, which it is. Do not take it as a punishment because if you do not fall into temptation, this process will be complicated for you. Enjoy the ride and laugh – did you know that a study showed that those who laughed hard for about 10-15 minutes each day burned an additional 10-40 calories per day?
Reduce quantities
An excellent way to achieve this is by changing the large plates for the small ones, the feeling that the container is complete will be the same, but the quantity will be less. Don’t leave yourself hungry, but increase the number of foods you can safely eat, such as fruits and vegetables, and opt for a more petite steak.